Julia Cameron
"Julia Cameron has inspired millions with her bestseller The Artist's Way. Now at the age of sixty-five, she shows her contemporaries how retirement can be the most creative and fulfilling stage of life yet. For some, retirement is a day to work toward with anticipation. Others approach retirement with greater ambivalence. While the newfound freedom is exciting and filled with possibility, the idea of retirement can also be very daunting. You are...
"A 6-week Artist's Way Program from legendary author Julia Cameron The newest book from beloved author Julia Cameron, The Listening Path is a transformational journey to deeper, more profound listening and creativity. Over six weeks, readers will be given the tools to become better listeners-to their environment, the people around them, and themselves. The reward for learning to truly listen is immense. As we learn to listen, our attention is heightened...
Unblock your natural creativity with help from Reflections on the Artist's Way, Julia Cameron's groundbreaking audiotape on unleashing your inner artist. Her unique system helps instill the creativity habit and yields powerful results. God's greatest gift to you, she teaches, is your creativity. It is a divine expression, which can be repaid only through another creative act. Discussing creativity's unlimited capacity for transformation, Julia Cameron...
Book summary by Loudly, this is an abridged version of the original title.
"The Artist's Way" is a transformative guidebook for nurturing creativity and overcoming artistic blocks. It offers a structured approach to discovering and recovering one's creative self. Through a series of exercises and reflections, the book guides readers on a spiritual path to higher creativity, emphasizing the importance of self-discovery, resilience, and inspiration....
In this book are collected 50 best films in the history of cinematography. The rating was compiled on the basis of the results of opinion polls and opinions of critics. He does not pretend to be the most authoritative, but for sure many of the listeners will pick up a nice film for viewing with this list. Have a nice listening!
Here we explore some simple ways to find your inner voice and tap into your creativity. Cameron advises us to "make a date with the artist within you." She talks about the negativity of "creative snipers" as well as the importance of "morning papers." She believes, "each of us has a song ... and the note we are straining to hear is our own true note."
« Tous les enfants sont des artistes. Le problème, c'est de le rester une fois adulte. » Cette phrase de Pablo Picasso résume parfaitement l'objectif de cet ouvrage pratique qui est de retrouver la spontanéité de la libre expression de soi et de ses désirs dans tous les aspects de sa vie. Avec les années, en effet, la raison et les contingences l'emportent progressivement sur l'imagination et l'envie. On se plie à ce que l'on doit faire en...
Das 12-Wochen-Programm von Julia Cameron führt Sie auf eine Entdeckungsreise zur eigenen Kreativität. Lernen Sie alle Hindernisse - Ängste, Schuldgefühle, Abhängigkeiten - beiseite zu räumen und befreien Sie so Ihr kreatives Potenzial. Gestalten Sie Ihr Leben reicher, lebendiger und erfüllter. Julia Cameron besitzt die Weisheit und Authentizität derjenigen, die das, was sie lehren, selbst intensiv durchlebt haben.
Most all of us have experienced times of spiritual confusion and disconnection from Divine Presence. Where do we turn when we've lost our faith and are overwhelmed by feelings of loneliness? Cameron has gone through such times, and here she reflects on how to rediscover what has spiritually inspired her, and helped release her from an artistic block.
With wisdom and strategies for becoming more prosperous every day of the year, this essential little volume from bestselling author Julia Cameron serves as a daily reminder of how to live a full and abundant life.
"People think of prosperity as a fiscal bottom line. 'When I have X amount of money, I will feel better.' The truth is that prosperity is a spiritual bottom line, and the formula should actually be: 'When I have X amount of faith, I will...
"A 6-Week Artist's Way Program Julia Cameron has been teaching the world about creativity since her seminal book, The Artist's Way, first broke open the conversation around art. Now, in Write for Life, she turns to one of the subjects closest to her heart: the art and practice of writing. Over the course of six weeks, Cameron carefully guides readers step by step through the creative process. This latest guide in the Artist's Way Series: - Introduces...