Pema Chödrön
Por mais que tentemos resistir, os términos acontecem a todo momento – o fim de uma respiração, o fim de um dia, o fim de um relacionamento e, em última análise, o fim da vida. E acompanhando cada término há um novo começo, embora talvez não saibamos o que ele nos reserva. Em Como vivemos é como morremos, Pema Chödrön compartilha sua sabedoria sobre como trabalhar com este fluxo da vida – aprendendo a viver com tranquilidade, alegria...
Da autora best-seller de Quando tudo se desfaz – orientação para tempos difíceis, surge um apelo de coração aberto à conexão humana, à compaixão e ao aprendizado de como amar o mundo exatamente como ele é, nestes tempos de grandes desafios.
Em seu novo livro de ensinamentos espirituais em mais de sete anos, Pema nos oferece uma nova sabedoria, reflexões sinceras e seu humor e insights únicos que a tornaram uma guia amada em tempos turbulentos.
Na busca por um novo modo de vida, baseado na generosidade e na compaixão, é imprescindível a escolha de um caminho eficaz. Concretizar tal busca não significa apenas a certeza da abertura do nosso coração às outras pessoas, mas, também, o despertar da confiança verdadeira em meio aos desafios diários, através de uma renovada conduta, sem espaço para a confusão e hábitos incapacitantes.
O objetivo é transformador, o caminho, uma estrada...
Neste livro a autora mostra que todos nós temos qualidades essenciais que precisam ser estimuladas, ou até mesmo redescobertas. Ao aprender um novo caminho para lidar com a raiva, a culpa, o ódio e outros sentimentos destrutivos, podemos realizar uma mudança positiva em nossas vidas, libertar-nos das inseguranças e enfrentar todos os desafios.
Vivemos numa época difícil. Às vezes, a vida parece um rio turvo e turbulento que ameaça nos afogar e destruir o mundo. Então, por que não devíamos nos segurar à certeza da margem – aos nossos padrões e hábitos familiares? Porque, Pema Chödrön ensina, esse tipo de segurança baseada no medo nos impede de ter a experiência infinitamente mais satisfatória de estar plenamente vivos. Os ensinamentos que ela aqui apresenta – conhecidos...
Within the wisdom teachings of Buddhism, there are many stories that refer to its founder as the Supreme Physician, a healer of all illness-mental, physical, and spiritual. The Buddha understood suffering and its antidote, and his prescription and philosophy for right living led directly to a Tibetan meditation practice that is the medicine our modern-day hearts have been searching for.
On Good Medicine, the remarkable American-born Tibetan Buddhist...
Pema Chödrön is one of today's leading meditation teachers. With more than one million books sold to date, she draws sold-out crowds across the U.S. and Canada. On Unconditional Confidence she offers two accessible sessions to help anyone find courage in times of challenge and change. Featuring a three-step method for learning to work with uncertainty and fear and an exclusive interview, this liberating program offers practical tools and teachings...
In the midst of fear, anger, or sadness it may seem impossible to find our ground. Yet, the feelings we want to avoid the most can open the way to fearlessness, our basic goodness, and true freedom.
Beloved Tibetan Buddhist teacher Pema Chödrön has a unique gift for helping those of all faiths to work with their most difficult inner and outer challenges. In this supportive series of talks, listeners will join her at her best-showing us the way...
11) Pema Chodron and Alice Walker in Conversation: On the Meaning of Suffering and the Mystery of Joy
How can human suffering become good medicine? Through tonglen: the ancient Tibetan meditation that transforms pain into compassion on the medium of your own breath. Pema Chödrön and Alice Walker in Conversation reveals the revolutionary power of tonglen through a dialogue between two hearts and minds forged in very different cultures-and yet deeply joined in the simple practice of compassion. Take a front-row seat as the Pulitzer Prize-winning author...
There is a fundamental opportunity for happiness right within our reach, yet we usually miss it-- ironically while we are caught up in attempts to escape pain and suffering. Drawn from traditional Buddhist wisdom, Pema Chödrön's radical and compassionate advice for what to do when things fall apart in our lives goes against the grain of our usual habits and expectations. There is only one approach to suffering that is of lasting benefit, Pema teaches,...
14) Practicing peace
"Anger is a universal human emotion, and it can manifest in some pretty nasty ways. But it is also amazingly workable. In this guide to the practice of inner peace, Pema Chödrön shows us how to recognize anger in ourselves when it first begins to rise, how to sit with the discomfort it causes, and how to let it dissipate. By taking responsibility for the seeds of aggression in our own hearts and minds, we can help create a new culture of compassion...
16) How to meditate
An introductory audio course on meditation presented by a Tibetan Buddhist nun, emphasizing: the practice of mindfulness; the importance of gentleness, patience, and humor; Shamantha (or calm abiding), the art of stabilizing the mind to remain present under any conditions; thoughts and emotions as "sheer delight" in meditation.
It's true, as they say, that we can only love others when we first love ourselves. And we can only experience real joy when we stop running from pain. The key to understanding these truisms is simple but not easy: learn to open ourselves up to life in all circumstances. In this guide to true kindness for self and others, Pema Chödrön presents a uniquely practical approach to doing just that. And she reveals that when we embrace the happiness and...
In her first new book of spiritual teachings in over seven years, Pema Chödrön offers a combination of wisdom, heartfelt reflections, and the signature mix of humor and insight that have made her a beloved figure to turn to during times of change. In an increasingly polarized world, Pema shows us how to strengthen our abilities to find common ground, even when we disagree, and influence our environment in positive ways. Sharing never-before told...