Joseph Conrad
Almayer, an immigrant living on the Malayan continent with his native wife and his daughter, Nina, dreams of riches, and so pursues hidden gold mines and begins construction on a mansion to impress the British forces that he believes are coming to conquer the region. However, none of Almayer's schemes come through for him, and his recklessness results in a desperate situation for him and his family.
Almayer's Folly was Joseph Conrad's first novel....
Marlowe sails down the Congo in search of Kurtz, a company agent who, according to rumors, has become insane in the jungle isolation.
"Aunque su lengua materna era el polaco, Joseph Conrad escribía en el inglés certero, deslumbrante y barroco que había aprendido leyendo a Shakespeare mientras servía como marino mercante.
Su obra literaria alcanza uno de sus puntos culminantes en esta breve pero magistral El corazón de las tinieblas, que recoge...
Joseph Conrads long experience as a working seaman enriched and deepened his literary gifts, making him the most brilliant and convincing writer of seafarings greatest age. In the three sea stories collected here, he makes deft use of the maritime setting to enact moral dramas of men tested.