Charles Darwin
Published in 1872, thirteen years after On the Origin of Species, The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals is devoted to documenting what Darwin believes is the genetically determined aspects of behavior. Together with The Descent of Man (1871), it sketches out Darwin's main thesis of human origins. Here he traces the animal origins of human characteristics such as pursing of the lips in concentration, tightening of the muscles around the...
This edition of Darwin's life story restores previously censored passages on religion and the scientist's opinions of his contemporaries.
Darwin wrote his autobiography in 1876, at the age of sixty-seven, hoping it would prove interesting to his children and grandchildren. Preparing the book for a wider audience, his family initially sought to protect his legacy by removing passages they found too personal or controversial.
This restored edition,...
In The Descent of Man Darwin addresses many of the issues raised by his notorious Origin of Species: finding in the traits and instincts of animals the origins of the mental abilities of humans, of language, of our social structures and our moral capacities, he attempts to show that there is no clear dividing line between animals and humans. Most importantly, he accounts for what Victorians called the 'races' of mankind by means of what he calls sexual...
Collected in this edition is the early autobiographical fragment written by Charles Darwin in 1838 along with his official autobiography which was first published in 1887, five years after his death. His controversial theory of evolution, which asserted that all of life on earth descended from common ancestors through a process of natural selection, subjected him to much criticism in his lifetime but would ultimately place him amongst the most important...
It took Charles Darwin more than twenty years to publish this book, in part because he realized that it would ignite a firestorm of controversy. On the Origin of Species first appeared in 1859, and it remains a continuing source of conflict to this day. Even among those who reject its ideas, however, the work's impact is undeniable. In science, philosophy, and theology, this is a book that changed the world. In addition to its status as the focus...
First published in 1871, "The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex" is a book by English naturalist Charles Darwin. In this volume, Darwin attempts to marry the theories of human evolution with evolutionary theory, exploring evolutionary ethics, evolutionary psychology, differences between sexes, differences between human races, and the relevance of the evolutionary theory to society. Contents include: "Principles Of Sexual Selection",...
Charles Darwin, el precursor de la literatura científica, expuso en El origen de las especies su famosa teoría de la biología evolutiva y la selección natural. Fue una publicación polémica que suscitó discusiones científicas, filosóficas y religiosas, sin embargo, hoy, la teoría moderna de la evolución acepta las tesis sobre la adaptación al medio ambiente de una especie para sobrevivir y su lenta, pero evidente, evolución.
Discover the scientific revolution of Charles Darwin in "On the Origin of Species by Natural Selection"! Delve into the intricacies of the evolutionary theory where Darwin presents his innovative vision of species' origins. Through rigorous and captivating analysis, he unveils how natural selection shapes the diversity of the living world. This indispensable work challenges the beliefs of its time and continues to influence our understanding of the...
This book provides a behind-the-scenes look at one of the most powerful and revolutionary ideas in world history - the theory of evolution. It traces the development of this momentous concept through the autobiography, letters, and notebook excerpts of the man who conceived the theory and introduced it to the world. Darwin's revealing autobiography is accompanied by the illuminating commentary of his son Francis as well as hundreds of letters to and...
The father of evolution imbibed history with his controversial book On the Origin of Species. As a young scientist studying natural history, Charles Darwin set out on the HMS Beagle for a five-year voyage that would bring him in contact with animal species, plant species, and rock formations all over the world. This voyage established him as an eminent geologist, and his publication of his journal of the voyage established him as a well-known popular...
First published in book form in 1877, this volume of Darwin's pioneering research on the heterostylous reproductive systems in flowering plants remains the basis of much exciting original research in the field of botany today. Darwin himself revealed, "I do not think anything in my scientific life has given me so much satisfaction as making out the meaning of the structure of these plants."
This edition includes a modern introduction and a list of suggested further reading.
Charles Darwin's Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex (1871) was the single most important European or American nineteenth-century statement that man is an integral part of the animal kingdom. As a work of science, Descent of Man mattered more, and was more coherent, rigorous, and in tune with scientific opinion than that of any of its predecessors in evolutionary...
Darwin had been intrigued by the earthworm for forty years, but it wasn't until 1881 that he produced the volume that would illuminate this "unsung creature which, in its untold millions, transformed the land as the coral polyps did the tropical sea." The volume, which focused on the fascinating behavior and ecology of the earthworm, sold thousands of copies in its first weeks.
In this 1880 book, written with his son Francis, Darwin makes the pioneering attempt to connect plant movements with the larger scheme of biological behavior. Not well received at the time, it has proven to be an enduring influence on plant movement research: he was talking about Phototropism, that plants grow towards a light source.
15) Chiloé
Este libro contiene las observaciones sobre las islas de Chiloé, en el sur de Chile, tomadas de la célebre obra Viaje de un naturalista alrededor del mundo, de Charles Darwin (1809-1882). A través del relato de sus extensas travesías a pie, a caballo y en bote por estas islas, Darwin entrega un diario de viaje que "demuestra, además de su gran capacidad de observación y deducción, una sorprendente finura estética" ("Darwin escritor", El Mercurio,...
16) Autobiografía
Esta autobiografía de Charles Darwin se publicó en su primera edición censurada por la familia (especialmente por sus opiniones sobre la religión), y sólo en la década de 1950 se recuperó la versión íntegra, sin recortes, que publicamos aquí. Los pasajes censurados aparecen en negrita.
"Un editor alemán me escribió pidiéndome un informe sobre la evolución de mi mente y mi carácter -escribe Darwin-, junto con un esbozo autobiográfico,...
Enjoy the best-selling memoir of Charles Darwin's journey of discovery aboard the HMS Beagle - now fully illustrated for the first time. The Voyage of the Beagle is Darwin's fascinating account of his groundbreaking sea voyage that led to his writing On the Origin of Species. When the HMS Beagle sailed out of Devonport on December 27, 1831, Charles Darwin was only twenty-two and setting off on the voyage of a lifetime. His journal reveals him to be...
Classic Books Library presents this brand new edition of Charles Darwin's seminal scientific text, "On the Origin of Species" (1859). Although several evolutionary theories existed at the time, Darwin's book introduced the theory that species evolve and over time through mutation and natural selection. Darwin wrote the book for non-specialists, granting it with widespread appeal, and it has formed the foundation of evolution in biology and modern...
19) De l'origine des espèces par sélection naturelle: ou Des lois de transformation des êtres organisés
Découvrez l'une des œuvres scientifiques les plus influentes de tous les temps avec "De l'origine des espèces par sélection naturelle" de Charles Darwin. Plongez dans les profondeurs de la nature et explorez la théorie révolutionnaire de l'évolution qui a changé notre compréhension du monde vivant. Dans ce livre visionnaire, Darwin présente des preuves convaincantes de l'évolution des espèces à travers le processus de sélection naturelle....
When On the Origin of Species came out in 1859, it changed the understanding of life and was the foundation of evolutionary biology. All the material that he received for this book was from the famous expeditions he took on the Beagle during the 1830s. This is the story of that voyage.
A Naturalist's Voyage Round the World follows Charles Darwin over his almost five-year journey around the world, in which he studied animals, plants, geology, and...