Ian Gurvitz
While TV is prevalent in most of our lives, few of us have much knowledge of its behind-the-scenes operations. In this riveting expose, veteran writer and producer Ian Gurvitz illuminates a side of the business few people get to see. Drawing on notes from his personal journal, Gurvitz details two years in the dizzying ups-and-downs life of a Hollywood television writer - the pitch meetings, the table readings, the rewrites, the studios, the networks,...
2) Welcome to dumbf*ckistan: the dumbed-down, disinformed, dysfunctional, disunited states of America
Welcome to Dumbfuckisan is an unapologetic liberal screed about the deteriorating state of our national dialogue, which is dragging down our culture, our politics, and our lives. It contains strong opinions, snarky comments, and gratuitous insults. The Roman Empire collapsed due to war, overexpansion and rampant corruption. The British Empire dissolved due to cultural arrogance and imperialistic hubris. Sadly, as we devolve from Democracy to Idiocracy,...