Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
Yirmiyahu Yovel (1935–2018) was professor emeritus of philosophy at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His books include Kant and the Philosophy of History; Spinoza and other Heretics (Princeton), and Dark Riddle: Hegel, Nietzsche, and the Jews.
This is a new translation, with running commentary, of what is perhaps the most important short piece of Hegel's writing. The Preface to Hegel's first major work, the Phenomenology of Spirit, lays the...
En este texto que marca el paso entre las obras de juventud y los escritos de madurez, Hegel pasa revista a tres filósofos de su tiempo con los que llega a su plenitud el pensamiento moderno: Kant, Jacobi y Fichte. Son "filosofías de la reflexión", producto del llamado "giro a la subjetividad" iniciado por Descartes. La discusión gira en torno a la relación entre creer y saber, conceptos que el criticismo kantiano había diferenciado claramente....
Extrait: "Les matières contenues dans cette partie de la philosophie qui va maintenant nous occuper sont les mêmes que l'on rencontre dans la plupart des traités de logique. Mais dans mon système, il faut le bien remarquer, elles sont étroitement liées à toutes celles que l'on désigne généralement sous d'autres noms;"
This edition includes a modern introduction and a list of suggested further reading. Hegel's philosophical history of the world is a work that grows out of a genre in philosophy that looks at history as the development of human abilities and charts the progress of humankind through a series of epochs. For Hegel, history is centered largely on political developments, on the deeds of the great historical figures, such as Alexander the Great and Napoleon...