Margaret Mayo
Dione Keristari will do anything to help her sick father. But begging gorgeous Greek billionaire Theo Tsardikos for cash is more than she bargained for. Now he's demanding a marriage contract in return for the money! She has no choice but to agree. However, inexperienced Dione can't handle the attraction between them, and she vows not to share Theo's bed.
But Theo's a master in the ways of loving, and soon he has his temporary bride at his bidding-and...
Abby Sommers, una abogada sin tiempo para el amor. Hallam Lane, un perfecto caballero con todas las mujeres... menos con Abby. Abby sabía mucho de leyes, pero muy poco del amor. Hallam no tenía tiempo para mujeres profesionales y, desde luego, no quería que Abby representara a su hijo. Ella sabía que había algo en su pasado que le impedía amar a mujeres como ella, pero aun así no pudieron evitar dar rienda suelta a su pasión...
Era um milionário irresistível... que nunca poderia ser seu
Há cinco anos que Kristie tinha adoptado o filho da sua falecida irmã e tinha-o criado sem problemas. Até ao dia em que conheceu Radford Smythe...
Kristie ficou imediatamente cativada pelos encantos de Radford, mas demorou demasiado a descobrir que era irmão do ex-namorado da sua irmã. O seu instinto dizia-lhe que deveria manter-se afastada dele, antes que descobrisse o seu segredo;...
A powerful persuasion
Abby Sommers is an excellent lawyer, with a particular interest in representing teenagers, so it's no surprise when she secures the case of young Greg Lane. At Greg's insistence she sets up a meeting with his father, arrogantly attractive millionaire Hallam Lane.
Hallam has a big problem with Abby. For one thing, she's far too alluring to be taken seriously in court, and for another, he is convinced she has designs on his...
Cuando Sienna conoció al atractivo hombre de negocios Adam Bannerman, tuvo la certeza de haber encontrado el verdadero amor. Pero Adam estaba obsesionado con el trabajo y su turbulento matrimonio se rompió antes de que Sienna pudiera anunciar que estaba embarazada.
Ahora que el pequeño estaba enfermo, Sienna creyó que Adam debía saber la verdad. Al encontrarse volvieron a saltar las chispas, pero también afloraron los secretos que los mantenían...
When Lucio Masterton discovers that he has a daughter, the Spaniard takes immediate action. He confronts Kirstie Rivers, the girl's mother, who he is sure has deceived him!
But Kirstie believes that Lucio loves only money. She's been hurt badly by the billionaire and is determined that her daughter won't suffer the same fate.
However, under the Spanish sun, Kirstie finds she is being ruthlessly pursued by Lucio, who will stop at nothing to take...
Aquella herencia suponía que Leanne tendría que vivir y trabajar junto a Joshua Powers, su ex marido. La pasión que había habido entre ellos no había desaparecido, así que Leanne sabía que no tardaría mucho en volver a convertirse en su amante.
Sin embargo, Joshua tenía otros planes. Sabía que había cometido un error dejándola marchar y ahora tenía la intención de corregir las equivocaciones del pasado y luchar por su esposa. Pero primero...
There Were Terms, All Right...
But the only way that Nicholas Grant Thornton was going to stay at Thornton Hall would be on Briony's terms. Her stepfather's will had been very clear-the house belonged to her. So why was this arrogant but enigmatic man claiming to be the rightful heir? Until the supposed second will could be found, Nicholas would remain an uninvited guest.
Yet Briony was soon discovering that living under the same roof as Nicholas...
When Lucinda Oliver first worked for Zane Alexander, she considered him an arrogant, womanizing playboy. But she was just his lowly employee, and he called the shots...
Now Lucinda has built her own successful interior design business and she's shocked to discover her latest client is her former boss! What's more, the assignment involves staying with him at his beautiful hideaway mansion in the exotic Caribbean. Lucinda's determined not to become...
11) Wild Injustice
"You're nothing but a scheming little gold digger, interesting in lining your own pockets."
How dared Rohan Courtenay accuse her so unjustly? He'd always disapproved of Charlotte's marriage to his younger brother, and now that Glen was dead, Rohan seemed determined to get his revenge. Yet Charlotte couldn't deny the spark of attraction between them, or the powerful emotions he aroused in her. Could she be falling in love with her sworn enemy?
Peta James was finding it difficult to juggle single motherhood with the demands of her new boss, Andreas Papadakis. So when the Greek tycoon made a surprising offer, it seemed like the perfect solution to all her problems.... Andreas needed a live-in nanny, and for her own son's sake, Peta was tempted to accept the job-if only this undeniably gorgeous man wasn't so difficult to please! She decided to take a chance on living with the boss-only to...
Nicole Quest, empujada por su curiosidad periodística, contestó a un anuncio en el que se pedía esposa y, de repente, se encontró aceptando casarse con el enigmático y atractivo Ross Dufrais.
El aire de misterio que rodeaba a Ross era parte de su atractivo, y los motivos por los que necesitaba una esposa parecían sinceros. Secretos a un lado, lo que ninguno de los dos podía ocultar era la salvaje atracción que sentían el uno por el otro....
Tentada por el jefe... Anne James era una eficiente secretaria que luchaba por hacer frente al mismo tiempo a sus responsabilidades como madre soltera y a las exigencias de su nuevo jefe, Andreas Papadakis. Por eso la sorprendente oferta del magnate griego parecía la solución perfecta a sus problemas...
Andreas necesitaba alguien que cuidara de su hijo y eso significaba vivir en su casa. Anne se sintió impulsada a aceptar... el problema era que...
It was a case of instant attraction for Australian millionaire Bryce Kellerman. Lara was so totally unlike the affected gold-diggers he had to fight off every day! Lara thought Bryce didn't have a penny to his name. Lara had grown up poor and married once before for financial security. It had been a disaster! Now, her only criteria in a husband was honesty. So how was Bryce going to reveal his secret?
16) Persuasión
Luciano Segurini había convencido a Celena para que trabajara con él por el triple de lo que estaba ganando. Sin embargo, antes de que ella se diera cuenta, Luciano la había persuadido para que se hiciera pasar por su prometida, e incluso para que se convirtiera en su esposa.
A pesar de todo, aquel matrimonio resultó agridulce. La pasión ocupaba sus noches y los malentendidos los días. La convivencia no era fácil y, además, estaba Simone......
The Italian's marriage demand…
When Italian businessman Luigi Costanzo discovers that Megan, his beautiful estranged wife, is also the mother of his child, he is incensed! She's left him no alternative: he will do anything in his power to possess his wife and child.
Megan is less than impressed when Luigi turns up on her doorstep-the week before Christmas! Luigi is as arrogant as ever-and still as impossible to resist. But Luigi is adamant…Megan...
18) Stolen Feelings
Kiss and tell...;
It should have been the job of a lifetime! But when Julie found herself on a Pacific island working with Cameron Storm, it was anything but paradise. Oh, Cameron was gorgeous, all right...;and didn't he know it? Julie's only defense against a broken heart was to pretend to be a married woman. But deception had its price...;and Cameron made sure that Julie paid. He ignored her wedding ring and went right on kissing her!
De secretária de um milionário grego… a sua esposa por conveniência!
Quando a jovem Rhianne Pickering aceitou trabalhar para o importante empresário grego Zarek Diakos, soube imediatamente que era um erro… já que nenhum outro homem conseguira alterá-la tanto como ele! Contudo precisava daquele emprego.
Zarek considerava Rhianne a secretária perfeita. Todavia, numa viagem em que Rhianne o acompanhou à linda ilha de Santorini, Zarek percebe...
"Perhaps I ought to warn you that I make a formidable enemy."
Not that Libby needed warning! It hadn't taken her long to realize that Warwick Hunter wasn't the sort of man who was easily crossed. He believed that Libby's sister had stolen a large sum of money from him. And that was why he seemed determined to turn Libby's dream holiday in Tenerife into a nightmare from which there seemed to be no escape...