Heather L. Montgomery
Bizarre creatures are floating around in our oceans—squishy, slimy, spiky-headed monsters. And they're not even grown up yet! These kids have to go through some drastic changes before they get to be adults. Everyone knows that caterpillars and tadpoles go through metamorphosis, but so do some of the most monstrous creatures under the sea. Take the spiky-headed zoea, somersaulting through the water on her way to becoming a blue crab. Or the gnathiid...
Meet the mamas and papas of the insect world in this fresh and funny nonfiction look at how bugs are like us from popular science author and teacher Heather Montgomery. Most insects don't take care of their young, but some do--in surprising ways. Some bugs clean up after their messy little ones, cater to their picky eaters, and yes--hug their baby bugs. A fun and clever look at parenting in the insect world, perfect for backyard scientists and their...
"A science educator honors children's curiosity and pockets full of "stuff" by introducing eight scientists who collected natural treasures when they were young. Collecting, sorting, and playing with shells, stones, and other objects taught these young people how to observe, classify, and discover"--