George Orwell
1) Animal farm
Animal farm was George Orwell's satirical shot at the then-new totalitarianism of the left. It is so accurate that no one has been able to do it better or more effectively, or even come close. Who can forget "All Animals Are Created Equal, But Some Are More Equal Than Others." By putting wisdom in the mouths of animals, Orwell uses an age-old artifice and proves again how the pen can be mightier than the sword.
2) 1984
"Winston Smith toes the Party line, rewriting history to satisfy the demands of the Ministry of Truth. With each lie he writes, Winston grows to hate the Party that seeks power for its own sake and persecutes those who dare to commit thought-crimes. But as he starts to think for himself, Winston can't escape the fact that Big Brother is always watching... A startling and haunting novel, 1984 creates an imaginary world that is completely convincing...
En Rebelión en la Granja, George Orwell parodió el modelo del socialismo soviético. Los personajes son animales de una granja que se rebelan contra sus dueños, los hombres, aunque luego crean una estructura social peor que la de sus antiguos dueños; Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky y otras figuras de la escena política son representados por dichos animales. Con un lenguaje fácil y accesible, lleno de humor, el libro fue un éxito de ventas en la época...
4) 1984
1984 se desarrolla en Londres: su protagonista, Winston Smith, decide rebelarse ante un gobierno totalitario que controla cada uno de los movimientos de sus ciudadanos y castiga incluso a aquellos que delinquen con el pensamiento. Consciente de las terribles consecuencias que puede acarrear la disidencia, Winston se une a la ambigua Hermandad por mediación del líder O'Brien. Sin embargo, nuestro protagonista va comprendiendo que ni la Hermandad...
Homage to Catalonia is George Orwell's brutally honest account of his experience as a militiaman during the Spanish Civil War.
In the last days of 1936, Spain was five months into a bitter civil war, in which volunteers from many countries were helping the elected government of the Spanish Republic battle a military coup led by General Francisco Franco and backed by Hitler and Mussolini. Some foreigners flocking to Spain had come for another reason:...
Coming Up for Air is a novel by George Orwell, first published in June 1939, shortly before the outbreak of World War II. It combines premonitions of the impending war with images of an idyllic Thames-side Edwardian era childhood. The novel is pessimistic, with its view that speculative builders, commercialism and capitalism are killing the best of rural England, "everything cemented over", and there are great new external threats.
Rebelión en la granja es la historia de cómo unos animales de establo consiguieron hacer de la Manor Farm, dirigida por el granjero Joe, un paraíso en la tierra y constituir la Animal Farm. En su último discurso el precursor e ideólogo de la rebelión, el cerdo Major, señaló que una granja distinta era posible, una granja donde las relaciones de subordinación fueran historia, donde no existiera la explotación por parte de los hombres y los...
El camino a Wigan Pier recoge una de las experiencias vitales más reveladoras para George Orwell, como individuo y como escritor. Este relato autobiográfico nace fruto del viaje que el autor británico hizo al norte de Inglaterra en 1936 –a las regiones de Lancashire y Yorkshire principalmente–, adentrándose en esta región minera, y anotando de forma científica y exhaustiva, las terribles consecuencias de la Gran Depresión de los años treinta...
12) Inside the Whale
Inside the Whale is an essay in three parts written by George Orwell in 1940. It is primarily a review of Tropic of Cancer by Henry Miller with Orwell discoursing more widely over English literature in the 1920s and 1930s. The biblical story of Jonah and the whale is used as a metaphor for accepting experience without seeking to change it, Jonah inside the whale being comfortably protected from the problems of the outside world.
13) Animal Farm
George Orwells' Animal Farm is a 1945 book about a group of animals on a farm, who organize a revolution, and take over from their human owners to run the farm themselves. Adopting the Seven Commandments of Animalism, the animals are, taught to read and write by two young pigs, Snowball, and Napoleon. As time goes on, rivalry between the two develops, which culminates in Snowball being, chased away and Napoleon becoming supreme leader. Growing more...
"Keep the Aspiridistra Flying" first published in 1936, is one of George Orwell's great social criticism novels. Set in 1930s London, its main theme is the romantic ambition of Gordon Comstock to challenge the worship of the god of money and status, and the bleak life that results from it.
Although pessimistic, "Keep the Aspiridistra Flying" is not a bitter book but constantly airy and often funny, and this is due to Orwell's constant attention to...
La Ferme des animaux s'agit d'un apologue écrit sous la forme d'une fable animalière, mais également d'une dystopie. Dans ce roman, George Orwell propose une satire de la Révolution russe et une critique du régime soviétique, en particulier du stalinisme, et au-delà, des régimes autoritaires et du totalitarisme.
Una prueba de que leer a Orwell es hoy más necesario que nunca
Esta antología anfibia de ensayos demuestra que no hubo un tema que no tratara George Orwell con acierto, claridad y valentía.
Revela una de sus facetas menos conocidas, la de crítico literario. Sus entrañables memorias como asistente de librería de lance conviven con sus irónicas reflexiones sobre la inflación novelística que padece la industria editorial, una discusión que,...
One of the most thought-provoking and vivid essayists of the twentieth century, George Orwell fought the injustices of his time with singular vigour through pen and paper. In this selection of essays, he ranges from reflections on his boyhood schooling and the profession of writing to his views on the Spanish Civil War and British imperialism. The pieces collected here include the relatively unfamiliar and the more celebrated, making it an ideal compilation...
When Orwell went to the north of England in the thirties to find out how industrial workers lived, he not only observed but shared in their experience. He stayed in cramped, dreary lodgings and subsisted on the scant, cheerless diet of the poor. He went down into the coal mines and walked crouching, as the miners did, through a one- to three-mile passage too low to stand up in. He watched the back-breaking, dangerous labor of men whose net pay then...
George Orwell's timeless and timely allegorical novel-a scathing satire on a downtrodden society's blind march towards totalitarianism.
"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."
A farm is taken over by its overworked, mistreated animals. With flaming idealism and stirring slogans, they set out to create a paradise of progress, justice, and equality. Thus the stage is set for one of the most telling satiric fables ever...