Evangeline Parsons-Yazzie
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Dzanibaa saw her happy childhood come to a terrifying end when U.S. soldiers attacked and forced thousands of Navajo to walk to Fort Sumner, 450 miles from their home. Told in both Navajo and English languages, the story is illustrated in full-color paintings that show the Navajo's despair and determination during their days at the fort.
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"The cultural lessons in this book emphasize the importance of family ties, a respect for oneself, and price in the strength that allowed the Navajo people to endure years of hardship. This book is inspired by a belief that the Navajo culture is very relevant to the lives of Navajo youth, and there need not be a clash between the wisdom of Navajo elders and the beliefs of contemporary Navajo families. This 448-page textbook provides a verb-based introduction...
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Ninaanibaa's heart belonged to Hashké Yił Naabaah (The Warrior Who Fights with Anger). She loved him for protecting his awee (babies), K'e(kinship), Naabeeho (Navajo people) and Dinétah (land). Hashke Yił Naabaah is summoned on a pursuit to restore peace and harmony to Dinétah. Nínááníbaa' gently placed her hand over her heart and wondered if her own heart was prepared to never feel love again. She stopped to think about life without love,...
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"In volume three the legendary story of one Naabeehó family's resilience during the Long Walk sweeps to the south to the Rio Grande and eastward across the mountains of Mescalero Apache. Dzánibaa' is taken from her home on Black Mesa, Arizona (Dziłijiin) then rescued by her kind, young Mescalero Apache man. With her captive, her love at her side she sets out on a journey to Fort Sumner with his Mescalero Apache people. This passionate story weaves...
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"Their Land Their Love: The Return Home is the fourth and final volume in the series by Evangeline Parsons-Yazzie. The story begins in Ft. Sumner New Mexico in the spring of 1868. 'There is going to be a meeting at the parade grounds. We have our orders to count all the Navajo prisoners. Bring everyone there!' On the parade grounds Naabehó Peace Leaders negotiate the Treaty of 1868 with their captors. In June they begin the return home, a journey...
The Her Land, Her Love Student Workbook includes 26 chapters which reviews each chapter of the Navajo Long Walk novel Her Land, Her Love in depth. Each chapter is divided into five sections: comprehension and discussion questions, vocabulary word lists in Navajo and English, puzzles and activities to practice Navajo and English literacy and grammar skills, geography activities including mapmaking and writing, and discussion prompts for analyzing...
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Volume two in the series by Evangeline Parsons Yazzie begins at the banks of the Pecos River in Ft Sumner New Mexico during The Long Walk where, Ninaanibaa and her husband are reunited with their daughters Deed Yazhi, and her younger sister Dzanibaa after four years of separation. In Her Enemy, Her Love the oral history of those years of captivity continues from the perspective of the two sisters; a story of family, love, resilience and hope.
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"The cultural lessons in this book emphasize the importance of family ties, a respect for oneself, and price in the strength that allowed the Navajo people to endure years of hardship. This book is inspired by a belief that the Navajo culture is very relevant to the lives of Navajo youth, and there need not be a clash between the wisdom of Navajo elders and the beliefs of contemporary Navajo families. This 448-page textbook provides a verb-based introduction...