John Shea
Six New Yorkers are sick with a mysterious virus that attacks the brain.
Experts suspect a tiny culprit: mosquitoes! Then birds start dropping dead. Scientists think that the outbreaks are related. But how?
High-interest topics, real stories, engaging design, and astonishing photos are the building blocks of the XBooks, a new series of books designed to engage and motivate reluctant and enthusiastic readers alike. How can a bite from a pet prairie...
The Arena Chapel in Padua was completed in 1303; Giotto, then considered the preeminent painter in Italy, was commissioned to paint it in 1306. The resulting fresco cycle, detailing the history, birth, life, and death of Christ, ranks among the greatest artworks ever created.
John Ruskin helped redefine art criticism in the nineteenth century through his attention to detail, his playful and engaging prose, and the conviction with which he discussed...
The Lord's Prayer accompanies the lives of Christians. When we are happy or sad, when we eagerly wait for a child to be born or silently keep watch as an elder dies, alone in the woods or together in liturgy, filled with gratitude or emptied by grief, driven to praise or dragged to repent, the Our Father finds its way to our lips. To Dare the Our Father recognizes and respects these experiences but it envisions praying the prayer as a more sustained...
Award-winning author and storyteller, John Shea shares a poetic word of hope to help us "make it" this Christmas season.
Whether your "it" is the overwhelming pressure to get it all done, the task of just getting through it, or simply being present this holiday season, award-winning author John Shea urges us to slow down during the rush of the season and open our hearts and minds to how the Spirit is calling us to renewal.
By focusing on...
Christmas is unavoidable. But if it is going to happen for us, we need to take time. We need to slow down and do something out of the ordinary, something that has to do with the spiritual meaning of the feast and the season. Reading the Christmas poems of Seeing Haloes is one way of doing this. John Shea hopes that each poem strikes a chord and brings us into memories we may have forgotten and present experiences we may have overlooked. When this...