Daniel Silva
"Viktor Orlov had a longstanding appointment with death. Once Russia's richest man, he now resides in splendid exile in London, where he has waged a tireless crusade against the authoritarian kleptocrats who have seized control of the Kremlin. His mansion in Chelsea's exclusive Cheyne Walk is one of the most heavily protected private dwellings in London. Yet somehow, on a rainy summer evening, in the midst of a global pandemic, Russia's vengeful president...
In an isolated village in the mountains of Andalusia, a mysterious Frenchwoman begins work on a dangerous memoir. It is the story of a man she once loved in the Beirut of old, and a child taken from her in treason's name. The woman is the keeper of the Kremlin's most closely guarded secret. Long ago, the KGB inserted a mole into the heart of the West -- a mole who stands on the doorstep of ultimate power. Only one man can unravel the conspiracy: Gabriel...
"Gabriel Allon has slipped quietly into Venice for a much-needed holiday with his wife and two young children. But when Pope Paul VII dies suddenly, Gabriel is summoned to Rome by the Holy Father's loyal private secretary, Archbishop Luigi Donati. A billion Catholic faithful have been told that the pope died of a heart attack. Donati, however, has two good reasons to suspect his master was murdered. The Swiss Guard who was standing watch outside the...
Shoot-outs, kidnappings, and international terror plots follow Gabriel Allon.
When a bomb explodes aboard the yacht of an iconic member of the British royal family, Gabriel Allon is soon on the tail of Eamon Quinn, a master bomb maker and mercenary of death who sells his services to the highest bidder. But why would Quinn kill a member of the royal family and draw unwanted attention to himself? Allon seeks the aid of Christopher Keller, a British...
At an exclusive private school in Switzerland, mystery surrounds the identity of the beautiful girl who arrives each morning and leaves each afternoon in a heavily protected motorcade fit for a head of state. She is said to be the daughter of a wealthy international businessman. She is not. And when she is brutally kidnapped across the border in the Haute-Savoie region of France, Gabriel Allon, the legendary chief of Israeli intelligence, is thrust...
"Legendary spy and art restorer Gabriel Allon has at long last severed ties with Israeli intelligence and settled quietly in Venice, the only place where he has ever truly known peace. His beautiful wife, Chiara, has taken over the day-to-day management of the Tiepolo Restoration Company, and their two young children are discreetly enrolled in a neighborhood scuola elementare. For his part, Gabriel spends his days wandering the streets and canals...
10) The black widow
Gabriel Allon, the art restorer, spy, and assassin described as the most compelling fictional creation "since Ian Fleming put down his martini and invented James Bond" (Rocky Mountain News), is poised to become the chief of Israel's secret intelligence service. But on the eve of his promotion, events conspire to lure him into the field for one final operation. ISIS has detonated a massive bomb in the Marais district of Paris, and a desperate French...
11) House of spies
Four months after the deadliest attack on the American homeland since 9/11, terrorists leave a trail of carnage through London's glittering West End. The attack is a brilliant feat of planning and secrecy, but with one loose thread. The thread leads Gabriel Allon and his team of operatives to the south of France and to the gilded doorstep of Jean-Luc Martel and Olivia Watson. A beautiful former British fashion model, Olivia pretends not to know that...
12) The fallen angel
When a body is found beneath Michelangelo's dome, Gabriel Allon is summoned to secretly investigate the death that has been ruled a suicide--a case that brings about an unthinkable act of sabotage.
13) Prince of fire
Recalled to service in Israel after terrorists steal secrets about his past, art restorer and sometime spy Gabriel Allon finds himself stalking an elusive master terrorist in a deadly cat-and-mouse game.
14) La chica nueva
At an exclusive private school in Switzerland, mystery surrounds the identity of the beautiful raven-haired girl who arrives each morning in a motorcade fit for a head of state. She is said to be the daughter of a wealthy international businessman. In truth, her father is Khalid bin Mohammed, the much-maligned crown prince of Saudi Arabia. Once celebrated for his daring social and religious reforms, he is now reviled for his role in the murder of...
15) El espía inglés
Tumbada sin la parte de arriba del bikini en la cubierta de proa, con una copa en la mano, su piel impecable tostándose al sol, estaba la mujer más famosa del mundo. Y una cubierta más abajo, preparando un aperitivo de tartar de atún, piña y pepino, estaba el hombre que iba a matarla.
Ella es un icono de la familia real británica, amada por su belleza y su labor humanitaria y detestada por su exmarido y su exsuegra, la reina de Inglaterra. Cuando...
Intermittent fasting (IF) has been lauded as the diet's holy grail, but what precisely is it and how can it assist you?What meals are included in this system? What are the finest recipes for medical cures?Continue reading to learn more about him.It may seem too good to be true, but if your health is your top priority, intermittent fasting may be the solution you've been seeking for.This revolutionary weight loss strategy is a tried-and-true method...
17) A Outra Mulher
Num lugarejo isolado da Andaluzia vive uma misteriosa mulher de nacionalidade francesa que começou a escrever umas memórias mais do que perigosas. É a história de um homem que em tempos amou em Beirute, e de um filho que lhe foi arrebatado em nome da traição. A mulher é a guardiã do segredo mais bem guardado pelo Kremlin: há décadas o KGB infiltrou um agente duplo em pleno coração do ocidente, um traidor que hoje se encontra à beira do...
18) La orden
Gabriel Allon está con su familia en unas discretas y muy necesarias vacaciones en Venecia. La tranquilidad acaba cuando el Papa Pablo VII muere de improviso y el leal secretario privado del Santo Padre, el arzobispo Luigi Donati, convoca a Gabriel a Roma. Mil millones de católicos han sido informados que el papa ha muerto de un ataque al corazón. Sin embargo, Donati tiene dos buenas razones para pensar que ha sido asesinado. La primera que el...
Are you a new or experienced user?Do you want to try some new and delicious recipes?If you answered YES to at least one of the questions, this book is for you.You will be hard pressed to find a book that combines together numerous dishes that you can create in an air fryer, and we know this because, like you, we struggled for a long time to find all of the recipes we needed in one spot. As is the frying without oil in the kitchen.Is it really feasible...
Hello, dear family and friends! If you've recently discovered celiac disease, don't worry; everything will be OK once this fright passes. I, too, am celiac, and I understand how difficult it is. Today, this book aims to assist people in dealing with this initial adaptation. We want to be a part of your journey, providing tried-and-true advice and recipes. We also want to stay in touch with you on a daily basis, delivering my daily support, answering...