Scott Sowers
Everyone is a suspect in this cozy-style mystery. This book is a sequel to "Life and Death at the Dog Park" that follows the adventures of Vivien Szabo, a retired Secret Service officer in Washington, D.C. and her black Labrador Retriever, Mooky. In this story, Vivien, Mooky and close friend Lenny travel to the Blue Ridge Mountains in Virginia for a weekend getaway. Upon arrival they are confronted by a controversial TV show host who proceeds to insult...
A normal day at the dog park is disrupted when Mooky, a black lab comes bounding out of the woods with a human leg bone in her mouth. Retired Secret Service agent, Vivien Szabo, who is the owner of Mooky is pulled into this cozy-style, mystery- thriller where her friends and neighbors all become murder suspects. The story is, told through the eyes of Mooky and Vivien, who also finds herself involved with one of the Washington Metro Police detectives...
For every innocent man sent to prison, there is a guilty one left on the outside. He doesn't understand how the police and prosecutors got the wrong man, and he certainly doesn't care. He just can't believe his good luck. Time passes and he realizes that the mistake will not be corrected: the authorities believe in their case and are determined to get a conviction. He may even watch the trial of the person wrongly accused of his crime. He is relieved...
4) Hope to die
"Detective Alex Cross is being stalked by a psychotic genius, forced to play the deadliest game of his career. Cross's family--his loving wife Bree, the wise and lively Nana Mama, and his precious children--have been ripped away. Terrified and desperate, Cross must give this mad man what he wants if he has any chance of saving the most important people in his life. The stakes have never been higher: What will Cross sacrifice to save the ones he loves?"...
5) Diggers
Four Long Island friends follow in their respective families' footsteps and become clam diggers in this touching comedy.
6) Sea change
When the body of a divorced Florida heiress washes ashore in Massachusetts, police chief Jesse Stone learns of the woman's past appearances in an erotic video and finds it suspicious that the victim's family seems unaffected by her death.
Seventeen-year-old Ronnie Miller is resentful when her mother insists she and her ten-year-old brother spend the summer with their estranged father in North Carolina, and while things get off to a rocky start, Ronnie eventually makes friends and begins to better understand her dad and why he wanted her to visit. Includes a reading group guide.
8) Tick tock
Michael Bennett is forced to cut his vacation short and enlists help from FBI Agent Emily Parker when a deadly mastermind threatens the city--and Bennett's family--but while they work together to detect the killer's pattern, Bennett's feelings toward Parker grow, while his relationship with Mary Catherine takes a surprise turn.
Through a thousand miles of dust, fists, and guns, they found the courage to keep on driving.
The only riches Texans had left after the Civil War were five million maverick longhorns and the brains, brawn and boldness to drive them north to where the money was. Now, Ralph Compton brings this violent and magnificent time to life in an extraordinary epic series based on the history-making trail drives.
The Virginia City Trail
With a dream of building...
Stampedes, rustlers, and hostile Indians wouldn't slow them down. They were bound for Kansas, and a Texas-sized fight!
The only riches Texans had left after the Civil War were five million maerick longhorns and the brains, brown and boldness to drive them north where the money was. Now, Ralph Compton brings this violent and magnificent time to life in an extraordinary epic series based on the history-blazing trail drives.
The Shawnee Trail
Death and destruction follow the demon wherever he treads, and Gabriel is rarely far behind, waiting for his chance to extinguish the creature known as Temple once and for all.
But, in Singapore during the Second World War, a lone soldier in possession of a shattering secret gets caught up in their battle. The knowledge he holds could change the course of their ancient conflict...and the fate of the world.
An extraordinary saga of the trail-blazing cowboys who made their fortune driving cattle from Texas to the Great Frontier. Across the Pecos, the Rio Colorado and La Panza mountains, the Texans and their longhorns kept charging-all the way to California gold! Between The Bandera Range And California, They Faced All The Challenges Of Man And God, But Nothing Could Ever Make Them Quit. The only riches Texans had left after the Civil War were five million...
The only riches Texans has left after the Civil War were five million maverick longhorns and the brains, brawn and boldness to drive them north to where the money was. Now, Ralph Compton brings this violent and magnificent time to life in an extraordinary epic series based on the history-blazing trail drives. Set on rescuing their old friend Clay Duval who is trapped inside war-torn Mexico, Gill and Van Austin, nephews of Texas founder Stephen Austin,...
A message in a bottle holds the promise of surprise and wonder, as told in this enthralling picture book, exquisitely illustrated by Caldecott Medalist Erin E. Stead The Uncorker of Ocean Bottles, who lives alone atop a hill, has a job of the utmost importance. It is his task to open any bottles found at sea and make sure that the messages are delivered. He loves his job, though he always wishes that one of the letters would someday be addressed to...
17) The Oregon Trail
They Risked Their Lives To Bring Cattle to Missouri. Now They Faced A Journey Twics As Dangerous... The only riches Texans had left after the Civil War were five million maverick longhorns and the brains, brawn and boldness to drive them north to where the money was. Now, Ralph Compton brings this violent and magnificent time to life in an extraordinary epic series based on the history-making trail drives. The Oregon Trail… Lou Spencer, Dill Summer,...
The father of Gonzo journalism, Hunter S. Thompson and his unique voice became beacons for the counterculture movement of the 1960s. Initially only available in an extremely limited edition, Screwjack became a publishing event when it was finally released to a wider audience. A spellbinding collection of three short works, Screwjack showcases Thompson's penchant for dark humor and his perceptive vision of America's often overlooked seamier sides.
For her work in children's literature, Barbara O'Connor has received numerous accolades, including several Parents' Choice honors. Life in Fayette, South Carolina, is nothing but boring for Popeye. Then an RV crashes in front of his house, depositing Elvis Jewell and his five rowdy siblings on the scene. Elvis likes to make his own adventures and doesn't have much time for rules. This excites Popeye to no end, and soon he befriends this strange visitor....
Little Wolf can hardly wait. Tonight he will howl at the moon to the top of the sky. First, Big Wolf demonstrates traditional howling form: AAAAAAAAAAOOOOOooooooooo. Then it's Little Wolf's turn. He's sure he is ready, but when the big moment comes, something happens. Something unexpected, something wild, something unbe-beep-bop-believable! Sisters Laura McGee Kvasnosky and Kate McGee have created a wonderful story about the importance of doing things...