Virginia Woolf
Since its publication in 1919, Virginia Woolf's second novel has been largely dismissed as "traditional" - but reading the book more closely today shows us just how prescient and unconventional it was. On its surface, Night and Day plays with the tropes of Shakespearean comedy: We follow the romantic endeavors of two friends, Katharine Hilbery and Mary Datchet, as love is confessed and rebuffed, partners switched, weddings planned and cancelled, until...
A stylistically innovative volume of short stories from the groundbreaking author of Mrs. Dalloway, To the Lighthouse, and Orlando. First presented as one volume in 1921, Monday or Tuesday was the only collection of stories Virginia Woolf published in her lifetime. Written in her experimental, stream-of-consciousness style, these eight unconventional stories eschew traditional plot and character development in favor of interior thoughts, emotions,...
A collection of essays from the acclaimed author of Mrs. Dalloway on such subjects as Jane Austen, Geoffrey Chaucer, and her own literary philosophy.
A good essay must have this permanent quality about it; it must draw its curtain round us, but it must be a curtain that shuts us in not out.
Not written for scholars or critics, these essays are a collection of Virginia Woolf's everyday thoughts about literature and the world-and the art of reading...
En La señora Dalloway Virginia Woolf relata un día en la vida de Clarissa Dalloway, una señora de la clase alta casada con un miembro del parlamento inglés, y de un ex-combatiente que lucha contra su enfermedad mental. La historia comienza y termina en Londres, en un mismo día de junio de 1923, y se desarrolla desde el momento en que Clarissa está preparando una fiesta en su mansión hasta que se retiran los invitados.
La gran innovación de...
In this early collection of eight short stories by Virginia Woolf conventional notions of plot and character are abandoned for a stream of consciousness, almost dream-like and experimental form of prose. Readers while find the relative brevity of this volume, and the stories within it, helpful in overcoming any unfamiliarity with this style of writing. Monday or Tuesday: Eight Stories was first published in 1921 and includes the following stories:...
6) Al Faro
Al Faro (1927) narra los recuerdos y vivencias de una familia, los Ramsay, en la isla de Skye, en las Hébridas, dos días distantes en el tiempo. La preparación de una excursión familiar al faro de la isla en momentos y situaciones muy diferentes debido al transcurso de los años es el desencadenantede una reflexión introspectiva sobre la fugacidad de la vida, la huella de los recuerdos infantiles, el desencanto y otros sentimientos que generan...
Una habitación propia se estableció desde su publicación como uno de los libros fundamentales del feminismo. Basado en dos conferencias pronunciadas por Virginia Woolf en colleges para mujeres y ampliado luego por la autora, el texto es un testamento visionario, donde tópicos característicos del feminismo por casi un siglo (las conferencias fueron dadas en 1928 y el libro fue publicado un año después) son expuestos con claridad tal vez por...
9) Orlando
Virginia Woolf: Orlando—Geschichte eines Lebens Für die eBook-Ausgabe neu lektoriert und mit modernisierter Rechtschreibung. Voll verlinkt, mit eBook-Inhaltsverzeichnis und zahlreichen Erklärungen zeittypischer Ausdrücke.
Virginia Woolf schickt ihren Helden auf einen Parforceritt durch Raum, Zeit, soziale Milieus und sogar Geschlechterrollen. Geboren im 16. Jahrhundert als Adeliger in London, verschlägt es Orlando nach Konstantinopel. Dort...
"La duquesa y el joyero" de Virginia Woolf es un cuento que explora las complejidades de las relaciones humanas y las expectativas sociales. La historia sigue a Oliver Bacon, un joyero modesto, que se enamora perdidamente de la duquesa de Lambourne, una mujer de alta alcurnia. A pesar de las diferencias sociales abismales entre ellos, Bacon cree que puede conquistar el corazón de la duquesa con un regalo extraordinario: un collar de esmeraldas. Sin...
Such an expression of unhappiness was enough by itself to make one's eyes slide above the paper's edge to the poor woman's face-insignificant without that look, almost a symbol of human destiny with it. Life's what you see in people's eyes; life's what they learn, and, having learnt it, never, though they seek to hide it, cease to be aware of-what? That life's like that, it seems. Five faces opposite-five mature faces-and the knowledge in each face....
12) Between The Acts
Between the Acts is the final novel by Virginia Woolf. It was published shortly after her death in 1941. The book describes the mounting, performance, and audience of a play at a festival in a small English village, just before the outbreak of the Second World War.
Los ensayos que Virginia Woolf dedicó a la estética y a las artes plásticas y visuales son inferiores en número, y quizás en incidencia, a sus ensayos sobre literatura o a aquellos acerca de tópicos sociales y culturales, mucho más conocidos. Pese a lo anterior, los trabajos dedicados a la pintura, al dibujo, a la caricatura, al cine, a la representación y a las relaciones entre arte, política y sociedad ocupan un lugar importante en su obra....
Virginia Woolf's 1928 novel Orlando is her most entertaining and exciting book. The mock biography recounts the life of a sixteenth-century nobleman who ends up as a woman writer in 1920s England. Over the centuries Orlando lives through the gamut of human experience as both a man and a woman. It is an irreverent send-up of dutifully rendered biographies of great men, a tongue-in-cheek commentary on some formal innovations in Woolf's novels, and a...
Mr. Bennett and Mrs. Brown is an essay by Virginia Woolf published in 1924 which explores modernity. Woolf addresses what she sees as the arrival of modernism, with the much cited phrase "that in or about December, 1910, human character changed", referring to Roger Fry's exhibition Manet and the Post-Impressionists. She argued that this in turn led to a change in human relations, and thence to change in "religion, conduct, politics, and literature"....
16) La señora Dalloway - Mrs Dalloway: Texto paralelo bilingüe: Inglés - Español / English - Spanish
En La señora Dalloway Virginia Woolf relata un día en la vida de Clarissa Dalloway, una señora de la clase alta casada con un miembro del parlamento inglés, y de un ex-combatiente que lucha contra su enfermedad mental. La historia comienza y termina en Londres, en un mismo día de junio de 1923, y se desarrolla desde el momento en que Clarissa está preparando una fiesta en su mansión hasta que se retiran los invitados.
La gran innovación de...
Taken from “The Common Reader”, these essays take the form of a series of reflections on diverse literary topics, brought to life by Woolf' s extensive knowledge, lively wit, and piercing insight. "For it is vain and foolish to talk of knowing Greek, since in our ignorance we should be at the bottom of any class of schoolboys, since we do not know how the words sounded, or where precisely we ought to laugh, or how the actors acted, and between...
Exploring the complexity of human relationships through the themes of marriage, perception, memory and the passing of time, To the Lighthouse, first published in 1927, appears as Woolf's most autobiographical novel.
The story of the book is set in Scotland, between 1910 and 1920, and revolve around various members of the Ramsay family during visits to their summer residence.
To the Lighthouse is considered one of the 100 best books of all...
19) Mrs. Dalloway
Iniciando com o ponto de vista de Clarissa, "Mrs. Dalloway" – publicado pela primeira vez em 1925 – inova a arte romanesca de forma a um só tempo delicada e radical ao alternar o foco narrativo de um personagem para outro e ao lançar mão do fluxo de consciência como maneira de acompanhar seus sentimentos, suas sensações e suas reflexões. Passado num só dia, o romance é rico em flashbacks e flashforwards, misturando, além disso, discurso...
Orlando: A Biography is a groundbreaking English novel by Virginia Woolf that explores English history, gender roles and sexual politics in a way few books have before or since. Inspired by the life of Woolf's friend and lover Vita Sackville-West, an accomplished poet and novelist, the story follows the life of an aristocratic nobleman who changes sex from man to woman and goes on to live for centuries, meeting all of the most influential and powerful...