Karl Marx
2) Uncaste
'Uncaste' is the stellar outcome of the Author's 8 years of patient and persistent research on India's Caste System and the mystery of how it survives. The book is stellar not only in the sense of decoding the sustaining mechanism of Caste, but also in constructing a clear pathway to annihilate it. Hence, what begins as a scholarly exposition passionately progresses in issuing a manifesto to perish the Caste System.
By completely tilting the perspective...
Packaged in handsome, affordable trade editions, Clydesdale Classics is a new series of essential works. From the musings of intellectuals such as Thomas Paine in Common Sense to the striking personal narrative of Harriet Jacobs in Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, this new series is a comprehensive collection of our intellectual history through the words of the exceptional few.
Originally published as a political pamphlet in 1848, amidst the...
Escrito en 1848 por dos revolucionarios de 28 y 30 años, olvidado o revitalizado según el momento histórico, el Manifiesto Comunista se irradió por todo el globo y se tradujo a todas las lenguas, excediendo largamente la esfera del movimiento obrero y las izquierdas. Incluso después del fin del comunismo soviético y la declinación de los partidos marxistas, el Manifiesto se afirma como el clásico político más influyente, con mucho que decir...
Written in 1844 as a series of notes, Marx's posthumously published critiques on the conditions of modern industrialist societies forms the foundation of the author's denunciation of capitalism. Combining elements of psychology, sociology, and anthropology, it is a profound examination of the human condition rooted in a philosophy of economics. In this concise treatise, Marx presents an indictment of capitalism and its threat to the working man, his...
6) Capital
Perhaps one of the most infamous works of the modern world, Capital is the German treatise on political economy by Karl Marx that critically analyzes capitalism. First published in 1867 as the beginning of an ambitious but unfinished six-volume series, this work extensively attempts to expose and explain the capitalist mode of production and the class struggles embedded within it. Capital was written while Marx was exiled in England, and many of the...
The Communist Manifesto was first, published on February 21, 1848, and it is one of the world's most influential political tracts. Commissioned by the Communist League and written by communist theorists Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, it laid out the League's purposes and program. The Manifesto suggested a course of action for a proletarian (working class) revolution to overthrow the ruling class of bourgeoisie and to eventually, bring about a classless...
The Communist Manifesto and Other Writings, by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, is part of the Barnes & Noble Classics series, which offers quality editions at affordable prices to the student and the general reader, including new scholarship, thoughtful design, and pages of carefully crafted extras. Here are some of the remarkable features of Barnes & Noble Classics:
• New introductions commissioned from todays top writers and scholars
• Biographies...
This pioneering 1859 deconstruction of capitalism and classical economics includes many of the ideas later incorporated into Marx's masterwork, Das Kapital. The preface introduces the author's economic theory of history: the idea that the way goods and services are produced determines the political and ideological nature of society.
Originally written as a series of newspaper articles in 1847, Wage-Labor and Capital were intended to give an overview of Marx's central theories regarding the economic relationships between workers and capitalists. These theories outlined include the Marxian form of the Labour Theory of Value, which distinguishes "labor" from "labor-power", and the Theory of Concentration of Capital, which states that capitalism tends towards the creation of monopolies...
Value, Price and Profit was a speech given to the First International Working Men's Association in June in 1865 by Karl Marx. It was written between the end of May and June 27 in 1865, and was published in 1898. Those wanted to avoid reading the entirety of Capital Volume 1 will find an excellent introduction to Marx's ideas in this short publication.
Karl Marx (1818 – 1883) was a philosopher, economist, sociologist, journalist with the New York...
12) Antología
Una vez superado el clima de antimarxismo dominante en los años ochenta y noventa, el Marx del siglo XXI quedó liberado de la pesada hipoteca de ser el "padre" de los comunismos reales del siglo XX. De los escombros del Muro de Berlín surgió un Marx capaz de ofrecer claves válidas para entender el mundo globalizado por fuera de las interpretaciones canónicas de un partido o una ideología. Más cerca en el tiempo, el estallido financiero de...
This pamphlet first appeared as a series of articles in 1849. An early precursor to the landmark Das Kapital, here Marx develops the ideas of supply, demand, labor-as-commodity, the distinction between labor and power, and capitalism's dependence on the exploitation of labor, with the prediction that capitalism would eventually collapse.
This collection of essays on the Paris Commune of 1871 includes works by Marx, Freidrich Engels, Mikhail Bakunin, Peter Kropotkin, and Vladimir Lenin. Marx viewed the Commune as a confirmation of his theories, and his analysis, while self-serving, is brilliant. The contributions of the other writers are no less fascinating from a theoretical and historical standpoint.
Die Internationale Arbeiter-Assoziation (IAA, oft auch als »Erste Internationale« bezeichnet) symbolisiert den Aufstieg der organisierten weltweiten ArbeiterInnenbewegung. 1864 verabschiedete der Gründungskongress in London die von Karl MARX in Englisch formulierte Inauguraladresse als programmatische Erklärung. Trotz ihrer politischen Bedeutung lag der deutschsprachigen Arbeiterklasse lange Zeit nur eine sprachlich »sonderbare« Übersetzung...
One of the most notorious works of modern times, as well as one of the most influential, Capital is an incisive critique of private property and the social relations it generates. Living in exile in England, where this work was largely written, Marx drew on a wide-ranging knowledge of its society to support his analysis and generate fresh insights. Arguing that capitalism would create an ever-increasing division in wealth and welfare, he predicted...
18) The Marx Reader: Manifesto of the Communist Party; Wage Labour & Capital; and Value, Price & Profit
Whenever a collection of Marx's works is published, a few questions inevitably arise. Is Marx still relevant today? Do we still have something to gain from reading the great man's thoughts about economic structures? To put this question another way - if Marx was wrong, in the end, about what communism would look like, then why do we still read his writings?
One way to answer this is by looking at the similarities between Marx's world and ours. The...
Nearly two years before his powerful “Communist Manifesto”, Marx (1818-1883) co-wrote The German Ideology in 1845 with friend and collaborator Friedrich Engels expounding a new political worldview, including positions on materialism, labor, production, alienation, the expansion of capitalism, class conflict, revolution, and eventually communism. They chart the course of "true" socialism based on Hegel's dialectic, while criticizing the ideas of...
Marx published "The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte" in 1852. The "Eighteenth Brumaire" refers to November 9, 1799 in the French Revolutionary Calendar-the day Napoleon Bonaparte made himself dictator. In this piece, Marx traces how the clash of different public interests manifest themselves in the complex net of political struggles, and in particular the contradictory relationships between the external form of a struggle and its real social...