The sunken manor (Nottinghamshire, England)
The book thief of Mont Sainte-Odile (Barr, Alsace, France)
A room like warm honey (Tsarskoye Selo, Russia)
A city on an anthill (Puebla, Mexico)
The oddly built temple (Kanazawa, Japan)
Doll's eye view (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Alchemy, Frankenstein, and "evil scientist" laboratories (Various)
The Winchester Mystery House (San Jose, California, USA)
The initiation well, the Knights Templar, and the Freemasons (Sintra, Portugal)
The gateway to hell (Paris, France)
The weird history of labyrinths (Various)
Marie-Antoinette's secret escape (Versailles, France)
The Krazy Kat Klub speakeasy (Washington, DC, USA)
The shocking things in Cupboard 55 (London, England)
The bone chamber (Leuk, Switzerland)
Saints below (The Vatican, Italy)
The sleeping beauty apartment (Paris, France)
King Tut's Tomb, treasure hunts, and our need to dig (Valley of the Kings, Egypt).