Indians were conquered because they were inferior
If Indians had united, they could have prevented the European invasion
Indians had no civilization until Europeans brought it to them
Indians arrived in this hemisphere via the Siberian Land Bridge
Indians were warlike and treacherous
Indians had nothing to contribute to Europeans or to the growth of America
Indians did not value or empower women
Indians welcome outsiders to study and participate in their religious ceremonies
Indians are a vanished race
Indians are confined to reservations, live in tipis, wear braids, and ride horses
Indians have no reason to be unpatriotic
Indians get a free ride from the government
Indians' affairs are managed for them by the B.I.A.
Indians are not capable of completing school
Indians cannot vote or hold office
Indians have a tendency toward alcoholism
"My grandmother was an Indian"
Indians are all fullbloods
All Indians have an "Indian name"
Indians know the histories, languages, and cultural aspects of their own tribe and all the other tribes
Indians are stoic and have no sense of humor
Indians like having their picture taken
Indigenous peoples welcome outsiders to share in their "Traditional Indigenous Knowledge"
Afterword : The effects of stereotyping
Appendix A. [Do's and don'ts] for those who teach American Indian history
Appendix B. Suggested guidelines for institutions with scholars who conduct research on American Indians
Appendix C. Course outline for American history and culture survey with suggested projects
Appendix D. Outline for course "American Indian women in history."